Monday, January 30, 2012

My ReEducation As A Parent

As an educator before becoming a parent, I thought I knew what I was talking about. I had graduated from college, obtained my master's degree and was in charge of a high school special education classroom before moving into my current position as a quasi administrator. Enough said right? I knew my stuff. I couldn't have been more wrong.

Having kids turned what I knew upside down. All of sudden, I have two children looking at me for their learning! My lens flipped from looking down to trying to see things through their eyes (ages 7 and 5) as they learn and grow on this blue bubble.

While I maintain a running blog (Dirt Dawg's Rambling Diatribe) and a podcast (Dirt Dawg's Rambling Diatribe), I know there are many runners that do not have children nor do they want to read about educational related issues. This blog then will serve as my outlet for both what I learn as my children progress through school and my journey as an educator.